Reacquainted with Film Photography
Friday evening, 18 Sep 2009 Ahhh… Nice long weekend. Four consecutive day of bliss, and a wedding to look forward to on Sunday morning and evening. Usually I would get my DSLR gears ready for action. But since I've sold mine, I left with the Panasonic LX3 P&S. As I remove the camera from the dry box, I notice the dormant Nikon F3 sitting at the corner, shy from light within the red leather casing cocoon. With the D300 away, it's far easier to get noticed. Recalling back, the last time I used it was probably 10 years ago, when I went out with my high-school friends on a day trip to a waterfall at Ulu Langat, Selangor. After that, I probably still shoot film, but with a simple P&S, up until the year 2001. After that, I started shooting in digital, first with FujiFilm F601z prosumer, then Nikon D70s, then Nikon D300, Panasonic LX3 and Fujifilm F11. This gave me a thought: why not I take it out for a field test this Sunday? There's plenty of people returning to shootin...