Minimalist approach to photographing wedding ceremony
Another good high school friend of mine got married recently. On top of being his "brothers" to overcome the obstacles set by the "sisters" when picking up the bride, I double duty as a secondary photographer as well. Not wanting to shoot with film, my only option now is my Panasonic LX3. So I took this opportunity to see how LX3 fare against the big guns in wedding ceremony photography. With a good Leica-badged f2.0 lens (that has good IQ and deliver sharp enough images), I have confidence that it will perform well, as long as I get the lighting right. So my gear consist of the camera with 8GB of storage, coupled with my Nikon SB-800 Speedlite for indoor lighting, and a small sling bag to store the Speedlite when not required. There's no TTL support when mounted on LX3, but "A" mode is still workable, but require manual setting of distance and aperture. Since I'm covering wide angle shots, I shouldn't need to make much adjustments to the flash...