Ryan & Pam Wedding

I haven't done a wedding shoot for 3 months now. Been busy with work and haven't been selling myself that much too. So when asked to fill in as the wedding banquet photographer in less than a week notice, I was a bit reluctant, but accepted the job anyway.

As usual, I decided to eat before I start work, so drove through McD for a fillet set to go. I arrived at the venue earlier (around 5:30pm) to do some location assessment. Then, spent quite a fair bit of time to shoot some details of the banquet hall.

Ryan & Pam Wedding Dinner

Ryan & Pam Wedding Dinner

Ryan & Pam Wedding Dinner

Ryan & Pam Wedding Dinner

I've never meet Ryan and Pam before until they show up that evening. After a simple introduction, they're already busy meeting their guests outside the banquet hall, and I'm busy getting a good shot of them.

Ryan & Pam Wedding Dinner

Ryan & Pam Wedding Dinner

Ryan & Pam Wedding Dinner

As the dinner was served at 8:30pm, everyone was busy eating and there's not much action to be shot.

Ryan & Pam Wedding Dinner

Ryan & Pam Wedding Dinner

After the cake cutting, champagne opening and toasting, comes the physically demanding part, where the couple and family members went table by table to toast and thank their guests.

Ryan & Pam Wedding Dinner

Ryan & Pam Wedding Dinner

Ryan & Pam Wedding Dinner

Ryan & Pam Wedding Dinner

Ryan & Pam Wedding Dinner

Ryan & Pam Wedding Dinner

Ryan & Pam Wedding Dinner

Towards the end, everyone including myself was in merry spirit. The couple are just lovely and happy towards the end of the night. All this reminded me why I like to do wedding photography all over again. Just hope I'm not getting too old for this. Need more exercise to keep carry the gears. Perhaps I should switch to Olympus digital PEN?

Ryan & Pam Wedding Dinner

Ryan & Pam Wedding Dinner

Note: One trick I've put into practice this time was to put my hand above the flash when shooting group photos. This will bounce some of the light from my palm toward the subjects, which gave them a slight warm glow.


  1. thanks Swee Ching....
    nice shots....

    From Ryan & Pam

  2. Good job...love ur photos...



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